The small order? No problem! We deliver even individual orders!
Be far? No problem! We deliver in any point of the world!
The wholesale order? No problem! We will help you in all through the trading channels!
We will deliver officially your freight from Korea to Russia!
Goods Sending is made by mail EMS as by the piece, at retail, and small wholesale and large container parties in any point of the world.
Delivery by mail is carried out to 19 kg. If volumes more than 19 kg, we can offer delivery of cargo of a cargo.
So we have representatives in Uzbekistan and in Russia.
We carry out sending to Russia special equipment, equipment for construction, equipment for specialized objects, the equipment, mechanical devices.
For fuller the information you can address to our representatives.
Tracking of freights EMS
Quotations on services of mail of EMS:
05.kg 20$
1kg 25.7$
2kg 41.40$
3kg 47.10$
4kg 52.80$
5kg 58.50$
6kg 64.20$
7kg 69.90$
8kg 75.60$
9kg 81.30$
10kg 87.00$
11kg 92.70$
12kg 98.40$
13kg 104$
14kg 110$
15kg 116$
16kg 122$
17kg 127$
18kg 133$
19kg 139$
20kg 145$
21kg 150$
22kg 155$
23kg 161$
25kg 172$
30kg 201$
We work with railway expedition, it is possible to look at existence of branches on a site http://www.jde.ru/branch |